Friday, June 27, 2008

"Something special"

It's not too often that you come across a team that holds its coach in such high regard.
But that was the case with the Detroit Demolition women's professional football team and it's coach, Tony Blankenship.

Most sports fans recognize Blankenship's name, growing up as a top-notch prep athlete at Detroit Murray-Wright and becoming one of the Wolverines' top special teams players and free safety, but I had no idea of the impact he's made on his team.

After spending a couple hours at a recent Demo practice, the admiration for Blankenship shared by the players was evident in their smiles when they successfully completed one of his drills and in their endless praise.

In the next week's newspapers, you'll get to know Blankenship a little better find out he has become the face of the Demolition, and I think you will see why his players call him "something special."

The feature will be posted online after it has run in our 19 local papers.

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