Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A paycheck in sports

We’ve all seen, heard of or maybe even taken part in the routine at some point. Punch the time clock to end the day, battle traffic on the journey home, and then relax in front of the television with the remote and our favorite sport.

Or maybe the escape takes us to the ballpark, the ice rink or the gym.

You get the picture.

Anyway you look at it, for many people, the end of the work day only means the beginning of sports.

But what about those people who punch the time clock to begin their day and do it in the world of sports?

Good question.

And over the summer months, I hope to answer it, or at least take a better look at those who earn a paycheck in sports with my summer series.

Early plans include stories on a Detroit Tigers broadcaster, a local sports anchor and a behind- the-scenes look into the world of sports-talk radio, among others.

At the same time, I’m open to any ideas you may have. Do you know anyone who has an interesting occupation associated with sports? If so, please feel free to e-mail me or give a call.

Or, as the summer months pass, flip through our papers and take a look at those who work in sports, those whose day actually begins with the first pitch or the drop of a puck.

You can reach me at mmoore@candgnews.com or at (586) 498-1038.

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