Friday, February 6, 2009

Signed, sealed, delivered

National Letter of Intent signing day is a unique day when the tables are turned, and the power is in the hand of the high school athlete.

In the course of players’ high school athletic careers, colleges, who tout their programs in hopes of wooing a player, court them.

The spectacle that signing day has become centers mainly on football players, who may make a surprise change-of-heart decision on signing day.

But what about the track and field, soccer, cross country and water polo athletes eager to sign their name on the dotted line on Feb. 4?

I got to spend time with Birmingham Brother Rice senior Kevin Dzierzawski, who was signing his National Letter of Intent to play soccer at Dartmouth College, among four football players that were also making college commitments.

Despite a lot of hype centered on the gridiron gang, Dzierzawski relished that he was going Ivy League and proud to be the only soccer player in the group.

By the end of the signing ceremony, it didn't matter whether he was sitting next to a Division 1 football prospect or not. Sporting a green Dartmouth cap and a smile on his face proved that signing day belonged to him in his own special way.

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