Friday, February 6, 2009

Perspective in Southfield

When a team loses, the coach can address his players after the contest in a variety of ways.

He can go nuts, pointing out the mistakes made during the game; or question their efforts and vow to work them even harder in practice.

On the other hand, he can be comforting, telling his guys he was proud of their efforts, and they’ll get it done next time.

Southfield High boys basketball coach Gary Teasley chose a different approach Jan. 23 at Southfield-Lathrup.

Following a tough loss against their biggest rival in a game many thought Southfield would win, Teasley told his guys to keep perspective.

He told them it’s going to hurt, but it’s a game and “disappointment is part of the journey.”

He told them, “Basketball is a good game. There are no bad days.”

Now that’s not to say Teasley doesn’t raise his voice from time to time, and I’m sure the Blue Jays were pushed even harder the following practice.

But when the team was at its lowest, Teasley didn’t push them lower or inflate their sense of importance.

He kept perspective, and I don’t believe he said those things because a reporter was present, but because he’s a good coach.

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