Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Another blog to clog up the Internet with oddball rants?

Not exactly.

There’s a ton of interesting information and stories out there in the ever-growing world of high school athletics.

Here you’ll find the stuff that slips through the cracks.

Specifically, it’ll be the offbeat and noteworthy stuff from my coverage assignments at C & G Newspapers. I'll be covering soccer, swimming and some volleyball in the MAC and the OAA.

The interesting news and notes that don’t make it into the papers — you’ll find them here. If an athlete accomplishes an amazing or bizarre feat — it’ll be here. If there are can’t miss games with rivalry and/or title implications — I’ll let you know.

To get things started, I'll be at the 4 p.m. Aug. 30 Utica Ford II at Fraser boys varsity soccer game. Expect a post related to the game in the next few days.

But I can’t be everywhere at once, nor do I claim to know all there is to know. So if you’ve got a tidbit or a lead for me, feel free to share it.

I’m looking forward to your feedback and providing some useful, entertaining and informative reading on this blog.

So here you go. Welcome, and enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff.