Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't let cold slow you down

Now comes the hard part.

It’s easy to run and exercise in the spring and summer when the weather is warm and you want to look your best in that new bathing suit.

But now that fall is around the corner, meaning at some point, although you never know in Michigan, colder weather is coming.

Yet as the expert sources in our last and latest running feature point out, the cold shouldn’t slow you down. Kevin Hanson and Dr. J. L. Aiello provide some great tips for staying fit in the fall and winter — just as our sources all summer long provided excellent advice.

So stay diligent in your training, avoid hibernating and thanks for sharing in this series. As for myself, I’ve definitely noticed changes in how my body reacts to a solid running routine. My endurance has increased and those pesky shin splint pains have subsided.

The fall season offers plenty of chances to finally get out and run that 5K race or take part in any other event if you haven’t yet, so be sure to check out informational resources such as www.runmichigan.com for a race near you.

As mentioned earlier, fall is high time for hitting the trail, so we’ve listed a few upcoming local events so you can join in the fun and fitness. For more information on each event and a list of other upcoming races in your area, check online at www.runmichigan.com.

A few good ones coming up are:
• Run Wild for the Detroit Zoo 5K and 10K runs, and two-mile walk Sept. 20 at the zoo in Royal Oak.
• UEA 5K Trail Run and one-mile fitness walk Sept. 27 at Stony Creek MetroPark in Shelby Township.
• Detroit Free Press marathon, half-marathon and 5K Oct. 18 in Detroit.